Tuesday 3 November 2009


It has been a while since my last post however, no excuses for not blogging! Even though our new WINOL project has been both entertaining and exhausting, blogging should be as staple as breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

Last Thursday's lecture has enlightened my thinking on the tabloid press. It is so hard to imagine in this age of hi-tech and fantastic technological advances how radical the introduction of a picture-based newspaper would have been all those years ago. What is also striking is how quickly one man can change the entire face of a medium in one fell swoop. I'm sure Northcliffe and Swaffer et al. would be slightly perturbed by the way Rupert Murdoch has expanded the red-top empire. Or would they? The initial mandate of the first tabloids was to make news accessible to the most simple of people, primarily using captioned photos to tell their story. In a more roundabout way, the red-tops of today perform the same function. With up-to-the-minute news and comment on the latest X-Factor show or the latest football or celebrity rumours as an example.

In the news, David Cameron is sweating after the Czech Republic threatens to test his policy on the Lisbon Treaty. Having been deemed constitutional by the Czech parliament, President Vaclav Klaus is expected to become the final EU leader to sign the Treaty enabling it to pass into law. This has now caused Mr Cameron to backtrack on his "cast iron guarantee" to hold a referendum on any EU treaty".

I shall never understand the mind of a politician as long as I live. Is this not proof that the three main political parties are all the same? Just plumping for the middle ground to please everyone? In this sort of situation, if Cameron were to be elected Prime Minister, then he MUST hold a referendum on something as major as handing more power to Europe! It's mind-boggling how he could possibly renege on a deal to hold a referendum on a decision that would affect everyone's lives in some way, shape or form. 

As know Eurosceptic Klaus is expected to sign anytime soon, is this a sign of the political future? Everyone being overwhelmed by the EU? Barry Legg, the former Conservative Chief Executive sums it up in a sentence: "How can David Cameron claim he'll fight to repatriate powers from Brussels when he won't fight to implement his own words?" 

Modern politics in a nutshell I think...

1 comment:

  1. alexa rank 12 - please update with your notes after each lecture and after each edition of WINOL including dummy editions. I am reading blogs at moment but not generally leaving comments due to pressure of time.
