Thursday 22 October 2009

The Day Democracy Nearly Died...

It's funny how one man can cause so much uproar and violence courtesy of a one hour television appearance. I would like to categorically state now that I am not a racist and in no way support the British National Party or any of its associates.

Nick Griffin's appearance on Question Time had been building to a climax that errupted in a cataclysmic anti-BNP rant on the BBC's flagship political debate programme. This is a subject that has irked me for some time hence why I am devoting another blog to it. The man may be deluded and may have some atrocious policies but it is his right in a democratic country to air his views in a public forum. Is it going too far to say that the BBC have today saved democracy in Britain?

I sometimes wonder about the severity of the stranglehold that Political Correctness has over every aspect of society in Great Britain when the idiots in our so-called government can wage an illegal war in the Middle East in the name of democracy yet do not want to allow the leader of a party with two elected MEPs to contribute to a political debate. In fact, "debate" is hardly what I would call Thursday's programme. Mr Griffin was invited on the programme in the interest of impartiality however, the so called 'debate' turned into one massive demonisation of the man and his party.

When will these tree-hugging, Sun-reading, ignoramuses learn that his appearance would have done nothing at all to increase BNP support. However, the way he has been hounded and not even allowed to answer questions due to interruptions may work in Mr Griffin's favour. He may be a manipulative man but the points he made about Iraq were spot on in my view. He said: "We should have stayed out of Iraq and we must let the middle eastern countries deal with their own affairs", or words to that effect. I agree with him. Does that make me a racist? Does that mean I automatically support the BNP? No of course not but to the idiots in the "anti-fascist league", I'll bet I'm right up there next to Hitler and Satan himself.

How can Jack Straw talk of the BNP having "no moral compass"? Of course, how silly of me: lying to Parliament and the British public is fine isn't it Mr Straw. All this coming from the man who cowered and "wriggled out" of John Humphries's questioning on the 'sexed-up dossier' whilst appearing on the Today programme. What a joke.

I only hope there is time for the idiots who jump on the bandwagon to realise that there is a democratic right of free speech on this fair and sceptred isle. Listening to a text read out by Jeremy Vine on his lunchtime Radio 2 show today made me realise a great irony in all this. The text went something like this: "A lot of people who are protesting against Nick Griffin's appearance need to remember one crucial point. They protest now but down the pub, they, along with every other working man will be spouting this same sort of BNP material"

He's probably right.

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